• Mind Your Manners, Please!


    Aside from the unique opportunity to see our favorite bands in beautiful natural mountainous surroundings, one of the best things about Fuji Rock Festival is how relaxing and comfortable the gathering can be, even among upwards of 100,000 attendees in past years. This is made possible in part by everyone minding their manners and cooperating together to make Fuji Rock the best festival it can be. With just a bit of common sense, an awareness of our surroundings, and by following just a few guidelines we can continue to keep Fuji Rock a truly special experience year after year. Here are just a few of the most important things to keep in mind once you step onto the festival grounds this summer.

    • Don’t leave your chairs, sheeting or other items unattended to hold your place.  In addition to being a hindrance to crowd movement by blocking pathways, leaving your items unattended to save your space while you and your friends catch another set elsewhere is a big no-no.  Likewise, don’t set up your chairs near the front of the larger stage areas where standing room takes priority. Note that chairs are prohibited in the entire Red Marquee area, even at the back of the tent outside. One more reminder about chairs, cross-type folding chairs (as seen on the left in the diagram below) are prohibited at the festival as they can cause injury when carried around between stages. Umbrellas and parasols are also out, as they can block the view of others trying to enjoy the show.




    • Don’t leave trash behind, and make sure to dispose of it in the proper receptacle. The festival grounds are in beautiful natural surroundings, so lets all do our part and keep them clean. There are volunteers and workers stationed at each recycling area to help sort waste, so please follow their directions and be courteous. Thanks to the hard work of these volunteers, the trash recycled each year goes to produce toilet paper and trash bags for the following year at the festival. Use common sense and make certain that all your trash goes to its designated place to keep the festival grounds, campsite and surrounding Naeba town free of litter and debris.


    • Smoke only in designated areas and do not walk around while smoking.


    • Refrain from certain activities which may harm others. These include moshing, crowdsurfing and carrying foldable chairs in dangerous ways through crowded areas.


    For more information on manners and festival guidelines, see the MANNERS section of the official Fuji Rock Festival website.


    If we all take a moment to think about how we treat others and our surroundings, we can all have a fun and enjoyable experience at Fuji Rock. By following the simple guidelines set before us, we can all keep having a blast at Fuji Rock for years to come.


    Text by Park
