F@king at Fuji Rock!
- July 24, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
Photo Credit: Andy Jones
F@king at Fuji Rock!
Music can serve as a powerful aphrodisiac, and live music even more so. Perhaps no events are more iconic of this phenomenon than the Summer of Love, and the legendary festival that followed soon afterwards; Woodstock. However, as your own pheromones start flowing at this weekend’s festival, consider these factors before getting your love on.
Many recent articles in the print media proclaimed that Japanese people – especially the younger set – are having sex less than their predecessors. This may create the illusion of a decreased risk of STD’s. However, anyone buying into that delusion would be sadly mistaken.
A Japan Times article from January of 2018 reported that new cases of syphylis – an STD nearly eradicated in Japan years ago – had surged in 2017, to more than double those of 2015.1 Syphilis can be transmitted not only through vaginal and anal sex, but also through oral as well. The latter sometimes leads to infection in a person who assumes the risk of an STD is low due to the lack of intercourse during a given encounter. The international appeal of the Fuji Rock festival also increases your risk of infection; with music fans from around the globe flying in for the festivities. In Alberta, Canada, cases of gonorrhoea are reported to have doubled between 2014 and 2018, and cases of syphilis have gone up nearly tenfold.2 Another news story in the Washington Post from May 9th of this year, reveals that cases of gonorrhoea being spread through kissing are also on the rise, particularly in the demographics of gay and bisexual men.3 A good rule of thumb is to use a different condom before every sexual activity; oral included, if you want to be as safe as possible. And, the truest of truths is that you are never perfectly safe. However, as always, being informed lets you minimize the risks.
An official from the Minami Uonuma Police Station in the province of Niigata (where Fuji Rock is held) would like to warn you that, while there are no specific laws prohibiting you from f@king while camping, if someone should contact them complaining about the noise (etc.), then charges may be filed. Our source informs us that this is part of Niigata’s “anti-nuisance ordinance”; against disturbing the peace. He also said there is a zero-tolerance policy for public nudity in Niigata. His final words on the subject of sex-related crimes are that sexual contact with minors is strictly illegal in Niigata. This brings us to the following point.
It’s not just for medical forms anymore. To paraphrase a recent viral British video likening it to tea, “just because you made some (tea) for someone, doesn’t mean they have to drink it. People can ask for tea and then change their minds. And, most importantly, remember, unconscious people do not want tea”. When in doubt, a good rule of thumb may be the F.R.I.E.S. acronym; (consent is) Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, and Specific.
In Conclusion
Observing the aforementioned tips can help keep you free from diseases, and can also help keep you out of jail. Whether enjoying an amorous encounter with a partner who comes with you, or one you meet at the festival – like a good flight attendant – this author wishes you a safe and pleasant journey.
See You in the Field of Dreams,
N.B. Author Laurier Tiernan is both married and monogamous, thus will not be f@king at Fuji Rock.
1 Japan’s dramatic surge in syphilis cases, with particularly high incidence in Tokyo, puzzles experts
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/01/29/reference/japans-dramatic-surge-syphilis-cases-particularly-high-incidence-tokyo-puzzles-experts/#.XTGH-y2B3Vo2 ‘Alarming rates’ of syphilis and gonorrhea continue in Alberta
3 Got gonorrhea? It may have come from French kissing, study says.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2019/05/09/got-gonorrhea-it-may-have-come-french-kissing-study-says/?utm_term=.8874efb23ce0 -
New winds from the islands of arts, Okinawa, in NGO Village and Gypsy Avalon.
- July 17, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
This year, one theme of Atomic cafe in Gypsy avalon is “Okinawa”, one prefecture of Japan. Artists from Okinawa will build a booth called “Uchina Village” (“Uchina” means “local people” in Okinawa) in the NGO village. In addition, artists performing Cuban music, Okinawan traditional folk music, and hip-hop (KACHIMBA featuring RITTO, with Hajime Nakasone, special guest: Hideko Itami from Soul Flower Union) will play together at the Atomic Cafe in Gypsy Avalon (July 26, 14:30 to 15:10). Prior to the musicians’ performance, Jinshiro Motoyama will discuss the US military base in Okinawa with Daisuke Tsuda, the current organizer of the Atomic Cafe (July 26, 14:00 to 14:30). (They may speak in Japanese.) READ MORE
6 Tips For Enjoying Fuji Rock
- July 12, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
With just a few weeks to go, many people are getting jittery moored in micro decisions such as “what to take”, “what to leave”, “where to meetup”, and “rum or vodka”. Well, we are here to tell you that everything is gonna be just fine. Just bring your ticket and a little cash. Foul weather gear can be bought outside the venue, and nothing really matters once the music starts. We are pretty sure you are gonna have a a great time. And here are a few tips to make the event even more wonderful.
“Get there on Thursday”
I can’t emphasize how important this is. I know it might be hard because of work schedules but arriving early will land you a primo camping spot and get you acclimated to the venue. If you’ve never been to Fuji Rock before, Thursday’s microcosm will help your orient for the 4-day rager that ensues. As a corollary to this rule, leaving on Monday morning is a must because the music and good times don’t end till 5AM.
The Cure is Needed Now!
- July 9, 2019 ● Bands, Experiences, From Fujirockers.org
On March 29th, 2019, as The Cure stood on the red carpet before their induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, their lead singer – the eternally-lipsticked Robert Smith – was accosted by a brash reporter who, in classic American fashion, belted, “Are you as EXCITED as I am?!?!”. Equally true to form, and visibly wincing from her sensory assault, Mr.Smith quietly replied,”…apparently not”.Despite their relatively upbeat post-punk debut in 1979, The Cure quickly ascended to the ranks of royalty as “kings of gloom”; people who made it not only acceptable to openly live through one’s depressive states; in the right circles, they even made it look “cool”.
As recent studies reveal that depression is on the rise worldwide, The Cure’s receipt of Rock’s highest honour not only seems fittingly timely; it also validates those who were bullied for being their fans in decades past. And, as Robert Smith and Co. prepare thirtieth anniversary concerts of their album Disintegration (arguably their darkest record) we can almost hear their throngs of fans silently chime, “We told you so”.
Even further cementing their importance, beyond becoming an incidental champion for those who struggle with mental health issues, from The Cure’s earliest performances, Robert Smith also pioneered another modern topic; gender and sexuality. Openly displaying more femininity than the average man since The Cure’s first shows, by 1982 Mr. Smith donned lipstick for all concerts and photo shoots. Even throngs of loyal fans assumed he was bisexual. However, ever-defiant of preconceptions, and consistently breaking new ground by default, Robert Smith would clearly state in interviews that he was monogamously married to a woman he loved; his high school sweetheart, Mary Poole. Once again, decades ahead of popular discourse, he indirectly gave millions permission to be themselves in both gender and sex.
As the band prepares to release a brand new album this autumn – reportedly steeped in “doom and gloom” – to celebrate its fortieth anniversary, its performance at Fuji Rock flows into a twenty-three date marathon of concerts, consisting mostly of appearances at legendary festivals like Glastonbury and Austin City Limits. Some may question the relevance of these ageing pioneers, in a country where visual kei and makeup on men is already seen as passé. However, for a land still struggling with gender equality, LGBTQ rights and epidemic depression, The Cure is a prescription we all need.
Fujrock fever is spreading to Taipei
- June 15, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
A very special two-day event is taking place in Taipei in early July attended by some of the key cast and characters behind Fuji Rock. The man known and loved as “Bunny”, Akiyoshi Takada, and 50 of his furry footed creatures will be unpacked for the first time on foreign soil. A special installation of his work will be unveiled to the public at popular Huashan 1914 Culture and Creative Park, a renovated wine factory in the heart of downtown Taipei.
Ecuadorian Electronica with Nicola Cruz
- June 11, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
Have you heard of ‘Andes Step’? No, it actually isn’t a diverse bioregion of South America but rather a new sub-genre of infectious electronica heavily influenced by folkloric sounds and traditions. This is the term french-born Ecuadorian Nicola Cruz uses to describe his music, despite not being a fan of creative labelling, it does accurately sum up his strong sense of place and awareness of ancestry.
Can Festivals Be More Eco-Friendly?
- June 6, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
Since China’s decision last year to refuse to be the world’s garbage dump, teamed with a growing collective awareness of plastic ocean pollution, the backwash through the media and society may feel like you’re being bombarded with constant requests to make better consumer choices, use fewer plastic bags and straws and generally make more changes to your behavior as an individual in order to affect change. However, as we delve into the topic of eco-friendly festivals and how you can make your festival-going as light on the Earth as possible, we also consider how festival organizations can do their part.
Free Your Hands to Party Harder
- May 27, 2019 ● Essentials, From Fujirockers.org
World travellers often have epic stories of hauling heavy luggage through brutal (see: stupid) situations. They make for funny anecdotes but, once we’ve collected a few notches on our shins, most of us would rather find a better way. Enter the good people at Luggage-Free Travel. Masterminded by people who care about your happiness, Luggage-Free Travel allows globe trotters to drop off their luggage at three locations in Narita airport (or one in Haneda Airport) to be delivered to your choice of seven hotels in Naeba; making your voyage more relaxing, and fulfilling.* ** ***
Going Down the Rabbit Hole
- May 21, 2019 ● From Fujirockers.org
A very bunny get-together
Akiyoshi Takada goes by many names. The most obvious is “Aki” and there’s “Madbunny” which UK friends use because of his signature character. In Japan many simply call him “Bunny”. During the festival, he can be hard to spot, either tending to his art work, or hiding behind a large camera as he’s an accomplished photographer with three published books of photos.
Befitting the bunny, Aki’s route to Fuji Rock was circuitous and unpredictable. Born in nearby Gunnma Prefecture, he had an early passion for snowboarding and skateboarding which inspired his world travels. Later, his art career took him to capitals such as London and Berlin where he continues to split time. It was the The 311 earthquake and tsunami led him to think of home, inspiring his “Hope” installation at APART London Summer Show (2011). The work paired concrete rubble with rows of flowers, reflecting the fortitude of survivors. Attracting the attention of Fuji Rock’s UK art team, Aki earned an invitation to join and specifically, “do something with the Boardwalk”.